Hi guys, I know it's been way too long but forgive me! I haven't quite mastered the art of time management....
What I wanted to discuss today is the issue of supporting yourself. now I am by no means saying that'a man is an island' or any of that jazz, but simply that we need to be able to support ourselves when/if other factors let you down. Now, one of the ways I keep a balance in my life is by thinking different aspects of my life as 'pillars'; I call them 'the Pillars of life'. So you can divide these into 5 category's:
1.Work (career)
2.Education (study)
3.Relationship (romantic)

Now how they work is that you do your best to maintain each of them in the best way possible, and you'll notice the times you feel the happiest is when your on top of them all, but obviously this is real life so things wont exactly go like that. However, when you work on strengthening them all you number one, have clear things to focus on when one of them fall and number two, you avoid breaking down completely as you have that comfort of knowing other aspects of your life are in tact!
It's actually a really positive way of thinking as even when only one is strong, you can still be like yeah, you know what, at least I still have this, let me be grateful.
The worst thing you can do with these pillars however is to focus your energy on one completely, as you rely on your happiness to come from that source, so when that source falls through you have = breakdown. And how secure is life that you even feel comfortable doing that?? Uncertainty is the only thing we can be sure of hence why we have insurance; so think of this as your personal happiness insurance.

Therefore even though having one strong pillar can still give us an illusion of being happy, neglecting the others is not covering your back! You've heard the phrase 'don't put your eggs in one basket' and mostly I hear this being applied to dating - which is not what I'm supporting. Because I'm not saying, put your energy into a variety of relationships so if one falls through you have back up guy/girl. I'm saying let a different part of your life be the back up.
The point is: you have many things to draw your happiness from
(not just relationships) - know that!

On the subject of happiness, listen to Beyonce's album 4 if you haven't already! - a bunch of feel good tracks. My personal fav's: Love on top, End of Time, Best Thing I Never Had, 1+1 and also, this is not on the album but Youtube 'Dance for You'. If that relationship pillar is strong, a nice slow jam for you ;)

Super lovely blog!