I must say I really dislike it when people use this phrase.
I dislike it because I don't appreciate the finality of it's tone.
What it suggests to me is that there's no way the person in question can turn themselves around and we therefore, have to 'put up' with the behaviour, just for the simple fact that we expect it.
It aggs me even more when the people themselves say it, because logically, if your aware of something that you do that is negative and received negatively by other people then why wouldn't you feel an urge to change it? I don't think there's is any reason for someone to be so blaise about there negative characteristics as you can become stagnant. It's ignorant and may I add a little boring.

In the words of the great comedian Katt Williams, 'you gotta keep it pushing', you can't be on the same ish you was on last year, cause we're bored, and who wants to deal with people who think they have nothing to learn and are done growing? Because the truth is, we may stop physically developing when were 18/19, but mentally we don't ever stop! That's what makes us exciting and interesting characters, our natural organic growth.
It's like...
If you set up a business which refused to change with the times and innovate: it's going to go out of business!
Or... If you were in a relationship which tedious routine and partner who refused to switch it up: it's going to fail!

'You gon leave the toilet seat up again?? ' 'Oh come on baby you know what I'm like'
It's also like having goldfish as pets, it's boring, because they do the same ish all the time. (sleep, poo & eat) When I was younger I used to forget I even had them! (thankfully my mum was in charge of feeding...)
So what you basically have to imagine, is what Apple would be like without their innovative projects every 5 seconds... We'd be like apple who?
The question is whether you want to be the person before the who, whether it's an Ex, Employer or Teacher saying it?
Nah I didn't think so
But if you let phrases like 'you know what I'm like' excuse yourself and restrict yourself from growing you will go out of business and fail (and therfore be a sad, lonely & unemployed apple).

At the end of the day, nobodies perfect and I'm definitely not saying you have to be. But you owe it to your self to at least try and spend your live striving for perfection whilst simultaneously being at peace with your faults.
At this point it would seem appropriate to throw something in about aiming for the sun and landing among stars, but that would be way too cliche- I gotta keep it pushing!
So I'll say....
Don't be a Goldfish in a bowl, but be a fish in the sea!

Just look at how boring they look *shakes head*
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