Hey guys,
First things first, I got a twitter:
Secondly I've had a reallly nasty case of writers block... so if you could excuse the little drought *ehem* of blogging.
I just had a little epiphany of sorts after coming off the phone to one of my girlfriends which I thought I'd share with you.
and it was that maybe, the trick is not to focus on the technicalities and just live life
Now obviously I don't mean to say this as some sort of grand revelation or secret to life. Nor do I mean technicalities in regards to work and theory related matters. When I say technicalities I mean, each time a situation in your life has come when you've thought, well technically I shouldn't be doing this because of x y z.
For example you may not put a lot of energy into a project for someone because 'technically' the work they produced for you wasn't up to par
I'm not going to text this person back straight away because technically, they took a long time to reply to my message.
I don't want to take up a dance/fitness class because people will laugh at me because I cant dance- therefore I will look like a fool. and you know, I'm not a fool.

'Oh he must think I'm playing!'
If you look at what's going on here you can realise just how dangerous this is because we end up focusing our energy on minor details whilst the bigger picture slights of of sight due to principal.
Now don't get me wrong.... principles are important. But why would you hold yourselves back from experiences due to pre-conjured thoughts people MAY have, or not exercising your full potential, at the expense of someone else's failings? Even worse stop your self from communicating with someone when the point is you want to speak to them, or you wouldn't have texted them in the first place.
I think it's very important to just live sometimes because things will never be smooth sailing or perfect, but if we know that, then we can work on getting life as close to perfect, whilst still existing in reality.
Even if we are to specifically look at relationships. We can sometime stifle growth, and our own happiness, due to technicalities we feel we have to enforce; regardless of their irrelevance!
We can have one set thing in out head like for example 'he has to take me out and pay or he's not serious about me' or 'I'm going to wait said time before I'm intimate with him'. And we do this because we assume the worst case scenario's. The idea that he could be after one thing, or that he's not putting his money where his mouth is because he doesn't think your worth spending on. But the truth is, this isn't the case with all men- so why do we cling on do them so tightly?

Happy People? Yeah (8)
The solution it seems would be to judge situations individually, and not by a whole sex's reputation or your past experiences for instance. Make room for and allow the happiness in your life, you really don't want to be that person, sat wrapped up in technicalities when it comes knocking at your door!
On a lighter note however whilst attending the Drake and J.cole concert, I found myself swell with pride when he shouted 'ya dun know!' at the crowd in a 'London' accent. Made me proud to be British mate!
*wipes tear from eye*