Sad or scary fact it may be. Many women get to a point in their lives when they make the statement (whether in their head to their mirror, or too their nonplussed girlfriends over lunch) I want and am looking for a husband/man.
The truth is there comes a point where you are just tired of kissing frogs.

'Great another man who thinks hes too 'hard' to have emotions...
when I say emotionally you say retarded?'
Or dating guy for how long only to find out your not compatible, taking ten steps forward and then being violently shoved back to your starting point. It becomes tiring to sit up in a tower waiting for some prince in silver who made a wrong turn and ended up at so n so's house, whilst your just chilling, weave getting dusty, nails growing out- the point being (frustrated sigh). That it is frustrating waiting for the One! And the question being is it bad to essentially 'shop' for that Mr Right, or should one just go with the flow.

"Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your weave!"
The problem is when 'going with the flow' you may accept things about your partner which you believe will number 1 change or number 2 be adjustable to. But the sad part comes when both people come to a daunting realization that maybe certain traights shouldn't have been overlooked, maybe these clashes of personalities are too great to get over.
So in shopping for the one, you could avoid certain latter dissapointments OR resentments. I.E superficial as it may be can I get over him being short...... or am I gonna call him a short ass prick when we get in a fight?

'Good for nothing short ass prick, he should be lucky hes with me... Shyyt I gave up heels for you!'
Or will I not mind the fact that 'hes doesn't really do romance' and resent the fact that your anniversary present is a kiss on the cheek and an I love you in oppose to a weekend in France. roses. bed. candle- you get my drift... And if you can is it really 'getting over' or is it just 'settling'. I for one am a firm believer in soul mates and the concept that you can find a perfect man for you, so Iv'e decided that I'm not going to settle.
However I cannot recall the amount of friends that have said to me 'always go for a boy below your league... that way they're grateful'. To that concept I am a tad skeptical. Firstly as a boy will only be grateful for so long. As he wasn't all that to begin with (as a good friend of mine says) he can only get better in your eyes. You misses perfect can sadly only fall from grace, and minus weave, make-up and those generally rough days, lies a downgrade to what he originally ordered. And with him only getting better in your eyes, before you know it you'll be the one that likes him more, he'll become 'gassed' and there will have been no point in being screwed over by an 'average' guy. Secondly, the feeling on inferiority may lead him to cheat due to insecurities. He may think, well to be honest this wont last as shell probably find someone better looking and new- therefore I might as well prove to myself that I still 'got it' by having sex with this reasonably hot girl (that's not my girlfriend).
Sorry Abouriiite!
Conclusion being that maybe just maybe, it's okay to make sure your future man has all the right ingredients, and there nothing wrong with returning the next day if your not satisfied! Theres no point in wasting either persons time on something you know will fall apart later. So the best option would be to trust your instinct and kick all the guys that think chivalry is dead to the curb!
Who knows Mr right could be just around the corner...
I for one... Can't wait! (tyson- oh hell to the yes)
ReplyDeleteKyomi I could hear your voice as I read it - hilarious! Hilarious but there's some home truths in there :)
x V x