On walking in on my mum and her friend having a conversation about men- as we women do all the time, I found myself being involved with their conversation instead of being shunned out with fears that I might hear words such as 'sex' and possibly 'willy', as I usually am. I took this as a sign I'm growing up (dread - will discuss in later blog) and that they could see this; but I was quite surprised by what I was experiencing. It was basically like what me and my friends do i.e. a guy was texting and they were both thinking of smart replies and lying about being on a 'date' that they weren't really on to make mr so and so jealous! what surprised me even more is that I was hearing things my girls and I say such as 'your too soft your just guna et him off the hook later, and not saying this and that to his face'. Also surprising was the fact that I was the most mature voice in the conversation! My point was that they shouldn't play games as old as they are (I though adults were done with all that game playing??). Even me myself find it pointless to continually play games throughout a relationship. I think for the relationship to work you have to be open and do your best to keep communication the best between both people- but obviously not too 'heart on your sleeve' like Gigi from He's Just Not That Into You.

I mean she was ridiculous & very annoying and I guess as it was an American film she got a happy ending but in real life, really? I Thinks there's such a thing as being too eager for love, and its readable and unattractive, sorry.
To be honest I mean I shouldn't have been that surprised by the conversation, I mean I watch Sex And The City & Girlfriends and so on, and I'll be honest- I love girly chats.
I love when we curse men, the cheeky stories, everything really the sheer drama of it all! BUT one thing I have to say, which pains me to say as it echoes words of my ex is that: Nobody can know the situation that your in better than yourself. So although films like He's Just Not That Into You and your friends resent valid points regarding advice on men. Not all men are the same, therefore such advice wont always work for you. also as a good friend of mine said If you have five or six girls that you let dictate what your saying all the time- what are you gunna have to say when its you's two alone. Friggin awkward times that's what it is... You tend to know in your gut what the right thing to do is anyway so I think its best to trust that instinct they got like an 85% success rate anyway (not real figures lol). Also the thing is if you take someone else's advice, if it all goes wrong you'll feel stupid, because why is your friend the reason for problems with your relation ship with your man? Logically, it doesn't make sense. Take advice but at eh same time be wise. One thing I would take away from He's Just Not That Into You though is 'if a guy really wants to see you, he'll make it happen' this is like 98% true unless he has like really bad confidence issues in which case you'll need to take the lead (sorry bout that one mate).
On a lighter note I got a pair of hot black shoes for 5 pound! That's how you know your in Landann
And not over-priced Canterbury- 5 pounds for two piece chicken and chips with a drink?! I think they should make a Dixy in Canterbury they would have soo much business, no lie. I can see the gap in the market myself only thing is running a chicken shop isn't my dream... So ill leave it to the next man.... (inspirational voice) and I'm sure... He will make history with it....
I'm Loving Marvin from JLS and Rochelle from The Saturdays as a couple
Gorgeous girl!- At least if were going to lose him well lose him to a hot chick (sigh...)
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