Monday, 26 April 2010
Your Gettin On Aint Ya?

Friday, 23 April 2010
VOTE! Vote! Vote?....

May 6th marks the day of some major elections taking place and unfortunately there are a vast majority of people that I know that just won’t vote. As a boy in my Uni claimed ‘I’m just like every other black boy- I don’t vote’ (Something he’s obviously got from his friends and even possibly his family). He sees it as an obvious stereotype and wants to go along with it so he fits into his label; and so sadly that’s the way it’s going to stay for a lot of people as they feel there’s just no point. ‘Their one vote won’t change anything’ and that ‘all parties are corrupt’.
But maybe it is a case of some being more corrupt then others- so for young people from ethnic minorities (Like the boy from my uni) it might be a chance to take action against the party you really don’t want **cough cough the BNP***! There are of course, a lot of young people who have only had the power to vote for a couple of months. Which are thereforeless informed as they are not used to politics being relevant to them personally- and do not see it as their responsibility. But it is literally a part of growing up, an action that shows we’re doing something about the world we complain about, and if you’re happy with it- vote to keep it that way!
Think about you and your situation: it’s important to think of the sort of government you want your child to be brought up with, do you still want there to be tax credits for childrenfor instance? (I know some of my friends got their tax credits as pocket money) Something that will only exist under certain parties i.e. Labour for instance... Free child bus passes were only bought in by the Labour Mayor Ken Livingston... The conservatives for example plan to tackle the gender pay gap, which includes stronger legislation to prevent employers discriminating and better careers guidance for young women and the lib democrat’s plan to give us a right to sack ‘corrupt Mp’s’ and to earn up to 10,000 without being taxed...
But whatever happens- I feel we should at least to do our research. There’s a lot of propaganda around the election that people are reading from peoples “Facebook accounts” for instance (how’s that serious research??) and it may not be a good idea to take the line from the conservatives simplistic poster campaign ‘I doubled the international debt, vote for me’ either- because dig deeper, that’s not entirely true either.
A lot of the financial problems Brown is having to deal with is due to the US sub-prime mortgage market (lending people with no savings and poorly paid jobs loads of money to buy houses they couldn’t make payments on) andbanks across the world taking bigger and bigger risks with our money – which is largely to blame for the country’s financial “capoot.” To be honest what might be useful is to check out their strict policies instead of the hype around it all:
Conservative Policies: http://www.conservatives.com/Policy/
Labour Policies: http://www.labour.org.uk/policies/labour-policies
Liberal Democrats Policies: http://www.libdems.org.uk/our_manifesto.aspx
So next time someone strikes up a conversation about the election, you KNOW what you’re talking about (throw in a couple of really long words to spice it up)-But whatever you do be smart and use your vote.
Just for funzies check out how ‘down to earth and grounded the conservatives are’:
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
It's Girl Talk...
On walking in on my mum and her friend having a conversation about men- as we women do all the time, I found myself being involved with their conversation instead of being shunned out with fears that I might hear words such as 'sex' and possibly 'willy', as I usually am. I took this as a sign I'm growing up (dread - will discuss in later blog) and that they could see this; but I was quite surprised by what I was experiencing. It was basically like what me and my friends do i.e. a guy was texting and they were both thinking of smart replies and lying about being on a 'date' that they weren't really on to make mr so and so jealous! what surprised me even more is that I was hearing things my girls and I say such as 'your too soft your just guna et him off the hook later, and not saying this and that to his face'. Also surprising was the fact that I was the most mature voice in the conversation! My point was that they shouldn't play games as old as they are (I though adults were done with all that game playing??). Even me myself find it pointless to continually play games throughout a relationship. I think for the relationship to work you have to be open and do your best to keep communication the best between both people- but obviously not too 'heart on your sleeve' like Gigi from He's Just Not That Into You.

Monday, 19 April 2010
Remy weave, natural hair & The 20 year old virgins!?