This blog has been initiated on a variety of events that really made me think about the way people treat people sometimes. A guy thought it was okay to be rude to a friend of mine because shes 'easy' and 'therefore he can'. There is so much wrong with this statement, but sadly its a view so many boys hold; forgetting that these girls are HUMAN BEINGS. And more specifically females, like their mothers ans sisters who they would be so quick to be protective of. It's just genuinely sad and it makes you think who got into their heads and made them believe their own superiority. I really doubt that any girl wants to be deemed 'easy' for the entirety of their life, but with this kind of attitude, how are they able to change? Baring in mind it's these same guys who with engage with literally anything for sexual pleasure (no protection) and think they're invincible to STI's, calling girls dirty when in fact- they probs have aids.
(Cleavleand voice) ohh no i'm so shocked I have this sti even thought I never use protection ¬¬...
And thats so serious I will do a future blog on sti's and std's because they are very real and some with no symptoms which certain people actually need to be aware of... But anyway, coming back on topic... From re-watching He's Just Not That In To You I was just reminded of all the trauma us girls go through, heartbreak and mixed emotions over all these things that guys do (not calling back, saying hurtful things etc..), meanwhile these guys are just CHILLING at home actually not caring or stressing whether you guys are not official or not. Maybe a case of girls over-thinking, but simultaneously, if this is known to boys; you'd think they'd be abit more sensitive, or at least aware, caring and more tactless in what they say/do. But the truth is: most of us are just cowards afraid to say what we really feel, due to fear of nothing better coming along or even the loss of pride...
I realize this was more of a rant... lol... but on a lighter note... A friend of mine rolled up to my uni room in these bad boys!
If this isn't the epitome of blackness then I don't know what is!... haha (market 3pounds)